Name: Wouldn't You Like to Know

Age: Older than Shizune and younger than Kishimoto

Gender: Female

Status: Taken and in real life Sakura would be with Shikamaru ;)

Favorite Manga: Naruto (obviously), InuYasha, Clannad, and Shinobi Life

Favorite Anime: Naruto (again), InuYasha, Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon (can you guess my age yet?), Tokko, Yu Yu Hakusho, Macross Plus (the movie), & Gundam 00

Favorite Pairs: NaruSaku, KibaHina, InuKago, ShikaTema

Possible Pairs: NejiTen, InoChoji, InoanyonebutSasuke/Naruto, Iruka and Ayame, & GaaHina

Things I do other than read manga and fanfics: Being a mom, cooking Japanese food and study Japanese garden design. I also spend more time than I should checking out Deviant Art and listening to music on JPopAsia.

Other Interesting Facts: I know a real life Naruto, but he's 3 and has brown hair and brown eyes; but he loves orange and acts just like him. I also write as a method of reflection and stress release. Lucky you, the more stress I release, the more you get to read ;D

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that read or favorited my fanfics. I wrote them for the love of writing and because Kishimoto wasn't moving fast enough for my taste. I always enjoy hearing what you think about the stories as long as the reviews are constructive and not flaming.

In My Father's Shoes

Team 7's trials as adults. Naruto & Sakura are expecting their 1st child, but life and war get in the way. Sasuke is home in Konoha, but finds everyone moved on without him and he's forced to deal with a lot in order to move on with life.
Rated: T, Chapters: 11, created 7-27-09
ANBU Gaiden
Set 4 yrs after manga 460 about the time Naruto and Sakura spend in ANBU. Danzo is the Hokage and Sasuke has yet to be brought home. What trials await them? Prequel to "In My Father's Shoes". NaruSaku plus other pairings. Full summary inside.
 Rated: T, Chapters: 8, created 8-24-09 

Sweet Emotion
Naruto and Team Kakashi have just returned home from a mission. Our blonde hero seems to have a lot on his mind. Can Sakura Cheer him up? Set after Sanbi Arch. Complete.
Rated: T, Chapters: 1, created 6-29-09, Complete
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