I am a fiftyish female who's kids got me hooked on Inuyasha. Like what looks like a bunch of you out there, it got my creative juices flowing. The kicker was when I started thinking what a pain in the butt it would be to raise his kids. That sounded like WAY too much fun to write about, and I was off. Right at the moment I have just a series of vignettes on my computer without a fluid storyline. I'm trying to fill in some holes before I start uploading.Hopefully I can get it together on that soon. What I keep seeing in recent canon manga keeps blowing my story out of the water; I am trying to stay canon as much as possible. So, what have I been doing for the last fifty years? I have loved books for almost as long as I've been able to talk, specializing in sci-fi and fantasy. I have an abiding interest in mythologies and what they say about the cultures that created them. I also read about philospohical and religious systems, good swashbucklers, cook books, quilting patterns, ancient history and archeaology, how-to-xxx books and the odd snarky romance book. I worked as a computer programmer until spending my days in a cubicle embedded in a windowless room became too much (Dilbert is REAL, folks - I've been there), then I escaped to become Mom's taxi and tutor service. I live in California in a solar house (solar electricity, heat and water) way out in the redwoods near Santa Cruz. I have a husband, two daughters and a chinchilla. We are actively seeking a cat that likes to hunt mice not lizards. We raise sustainably certified redwoods for lumber. I scuba dive, jog when I can get motivated and have a black belt in ho kuk mu sul (a Korean martial arts form) Sometimes I actually draw pictures too. Check out http://fanmanga.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=1207 for another example of my warped sense of humor.

Dogs Hunt in Packs

In a post Naraku world, InuYasha and Kagome discover their true destiny is to marry then raise the young warriors who will help the gods rein in a renegade god. That is, if they don't KILL them first. Chapter 48 various small developments.
Rated: M, Chapters: 48, created 4-20-07

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