Inufan625 has created some really good stories, the links below are the clean ones, if you want to read the unedited versions look here:  mediaminer


InuYasha Potpourri

A collection of drabbles featuring the characters of InuYasha. Mostly submissions to the iyficcontest group on LJ, but will also include other drabbles as I come up with them as well. Chapter 1 Kikyou introspective, Chapter 2 Onigumo and the spider...
Rated: K+, Chapters: 2, created 1-31-07
Hanakotoba 'the language of flowers'
completeWritten for a drabble challenge. 12 days, and 12 gifts, but who is it that is leaving these presents for Kagome and why?
Rated: K+, Chapters: 1, created 1-12-07, Complete

Kagome thinks that InuYasha will never really see who she is, that to him she'll always remain Kikyou's reincarnation and nothing more, but is she right? Rated M to be safe but is more likely T. ONESHOT Complete. implied IKag
Rated: M, Chapters: 1, created 6-30-06, Complete

COMPLETE: To gradually become apparent, become known, recover from or survive a difficult period. Self doubt leads InuYasha to say things that he doesn't mean and it leads to a turn of events that force him to take a good hard look at what he stands to lo
Rated: M, Chapters: 30, created 8-19-05, Complete

Making Things Right
COMPLETE Kagome makes a wish that changes the world and gives everyone a new chance at the lives they were meant to have, including herself, but with a new threat looming she must remember what was forgotten.
Rated: M, Chapters: 35, created 12-5-04, Complete

Belonging Together
COMPLETE 1st IY fic. Naraku is defeated and the jewel is complete. Mostly it is a story about how Inu and Kag come together and what happens. There is some action & side plots to keep it interesting.
Rated: M, Chapters: 20, created 10-24-04, Complete

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