TimeArtist has written great stories.  take a look for yourself...

 Blood Ties:

Blind Love

Vicky is having risky eye surgery, but there is one problem. She might not see afterwards. With the buddy romance of Vicky and Henry, will she be able to see it, or will this be blind love.
Rated: T, Chapters: 10, created 8-17-07

The Dog Lord and Miko Princess
Inuyasha and Kagome are to be married.One thing about that, they never met and one of them just found out. READ AND REVIEW, PLEASE!
Rated: T, Chapters: 13,created 1-5-07 
Inuyasha's Fear and Kagome's Love
Naraku is gone, Sango and Miroku are married and expecting their first child, Shippo is growing up, but Inuyasha still hasn't mated with Kagome, AND IT IS DRIVING HER INSANE. Find out what she handles it, with a little help from Myoga.
Rated: T, Chapters: 1, created 11-2-08, Complete
Two Lover's Heart
Kagome has just pledged Inuyasha her life. What! Why? Read the story and find out. Rating for later chapters
Rated: M, Chapters: 26,created 10-6-06, Complete
Kagome's Increased Powers
I'm bad at summaries, but Kagome is attacted and Inuyasha can't get to her in time. This causes her powers to increase like nobody thought would. Lemons in later chapters.Spelling will be wrong in the first chapters, but will get better. COMPLETE!
Rated: M, Chapters: 19, created 5-11-06, Complete
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