Ravenreux is a fancy play on my horse's name, Raven (who is not black, but a beautiful flaxen sorrel). She is my main source of financial expenditure and this 21-year-old girl's best friend (Yes, that's right. My horse is my best friend...right after my Mom. I know, freaky). I've had Raven for almost 6 years now, trained her myself (I hold all the bragging rights), and she is the reason I'm getting my Associate's Degree as a Veterinary Technician.
I've always been an avid reader, Black Beauty being the first 'real' book I ever read as a 5-year-old (Who would've guessed that?). Ever since then I've always carried a book with me and that eventually led to me writing my old little stories. It only grew as my favorite hobby outside of emptying my bank account on equine paraphernalia. Now I carry a single subject notebook with me and almost any free time I have is spent filling it from cover to cover

Suffer The Fray

She asked him one question and ended up giving him five years to come up with an answer. When Naraku returns, she must return to the fuedal era to fight alongside the hanyou that stole her heart.
Rated: M, Chapters: 26, created 6-25-07 

The Hybrid
From childhood friends to allied enemies, can the scorned bluehaired DemiSaiyan and the stubbornly proud Saiyan no Ouji settle their differences long enough to free their people and save themselves? VB, KCC, RC Chapter 23 is up! R&R!
Rated: M, Chapters: 23, creaded 10-21-06

A Beautiful Lie
A GT AU. After a hostile takeover, the Z fighters are pushed into hiding. Together they create a rebel force to fight the oppression on Chikyuu. During the fighting, the second generation fighters discover something truly precious. A TM,
 Rated: M, Chapters: 6, created 1-23-07

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